On 28th Feb, E-cell Yukta had organized an enthusiastic session on NETWORKING 101: Fast Track for Entrepreneurs! with a guest speaker Neeva Phatarphekar, founder and principal of NCPLA- Neeva's Classes for Languages and Performing Arts. The session commenced with a little bit of manifestation and a brief idea about journaling. Ms Neeva conducted a fun activity on exploring one’s Ikigai, through which students had to conclude about their passion, mission, profession, and vocation. She gave us many insightful answers to the questions like where should we begin? What qualities do we need to have to be an entrepreneur? What are the tools to reach the goal, such as Journaling, A routine, checking what you consume, our Network? The session had ended with the qualities of an entrepreneur like Discipline, Confidence, Self-starter, Competitive, Creative, Determined.
Throughout the session, she kept us engaged, and it was all a joyful event in a nutshell. We thank her.
